About HGR

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So far HGR has created 100 blog entries.

HGR Girls Teams All WonTheir Divisions!

2024-07-28T10:26:43-04:00July 28th, 2024|Lacrosse league|

2030- VT CLASSIC CHAMPIONS 2031- VT CLASSIC CHAMPIONS 2032- VT CLASSIC CHAMPIONS 2026s- THE GRIND CHAMPIONS July 13th/14th- VT Classic Girls 2030 beat Albany power 6-4, 2031 beat Rebels East 9-4, 2032 Blue beat Houlagans 17-4 All won their divisions! July 12-14 - The Grind 2026 Girls won against Albany Power 4-3 July 19th/20th- The Rise [...]

Congratulations Boys HGR 2026 and 2029 Blue Teams!

2024-07-26T12:05:02-04:00July 26th, 2024|Elite Teams|

The National Invitational Tournament in Saratoga was last weekend. HGR had two teams win the championships! HGR 2026 Blue won their Division A Championship by beating the Penguins 2026 Blue 3-2. HGR 2029 Blue won their Division B Championship by beating Maine Elite 2029 11-4. Congratulations!

Boys and Girls Fall Tryouts Around the Corner

2024-07-11T12:05:49-04:00July 11th, 2024|Elite Teams|

If you haven't gotten around to it yet, it's a good time to sign up for Fall Tryouts while you still can. If you're still thinking about it, consider these points: Why HGR? Over a decade of champion Elite teams High level coaching focused on increasing players lacrosse IQ and skill sets. A fun and competitive [...]

There Are A Few Spots Left in Session II Day Camp!

2024-06-26T19:03:55-04:00June 26th, 2024|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

https://youtu.be/c64m6mfP5xs There are only a few spots left in our HGR Summer Day Camp, 2nd Session. Don't miss out! Learn more about the camp: HGR Lacrosse Summer Camp Day & Overnight   Go straight to Registration: Day Camp Boys/Girls Rising 3rd-9th Grade (YOG 2034-2028) Session Two July 15-18 Lacrosse · Co-Ed Grades 3-9 (YOG 2034-2028) Rising [...]

Why Lacrosse is Great for Boys and Girls

2024-06-11T16:19:00-04:00June 11th, 2024|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

Lacrosse is a fast-paced and exciting sport that has been gaining popularity among both boys and girls. It combines elements of basketball, soccer, and hockey, creating a unique and dynamic experience. But beyond the thrill of the game, lacrosse offers numerous benefits for young athletes. Let's explore why lacrosse is great for boys and girls, taking [...]

July is Around the Corner! Time to Sign Up for HGR’s Summer Camp

2024-05-27T11:44:39-04:00May 31st, 2024|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

July is only a month away. Don't miss out on our LAX Summer Camp. There are a few spots left. Boys & Girls Summer Camp Session 1: Overnight: July 7-11 Day: July 8-11 Session 2: Overnight: July 14-18 Day: July 15-18

Who Doesn’t Love a Good Top Ten List?

2024-05-27T11:29:54-04:00May 22nd, 2024|Top Ten|

Top 10 goals? Check. Top 10 College players of 2024? Check. Top 10 Saves? Check. Top 10 Dodges? Check. And the list goes on. Enjoy!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blfaXtOmxTI&ab_channel=LaxWeekly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf0v93RWwfo&pp=ygUrbGFjcm9zc2UgdG9wIDEwIGxpc3RzIGZyb20gdGhlIGxhc3QgMyB5ZWFycw%3D%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N3b-Yjvows&pp=ygUrbGFjcm9zc2UgdG9wIDEwIGxpc3RzIGZyb20gdGhlIGxhc3QgMyB5ZWFycw%3D%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYm6SsVM0dI&pp=ygUrbGFjcm9zc2UgdG9wIDEwIGxpc3RzIGZyb20gdGhlIGxhc3QgMyB5ZWFycw%3D%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLiafkrsXRQ&pp=ygUTbGFjcm9zc2UgYmVzdCBzYXZlcw%3D%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s74H8rL4Klc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfRfxKdXqKo&ab_channel=TheLacrosseNetwork%7CTLN

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