
HGR Coaches Training Coaches

2022-05-16T09:17:13-04:00April 9th, 2018|Instruction, News, Other Cool Camps & Events|

Coach Education HGR's coaches have been very busy over the past several weeks conducting training for Youth Lacrosse Coaches across the state. They have visited several towns as well as conducting an in-house, standing room only Coaches Education class last week, for our partners, the Mass Bay Youth Lacrosse League. Our programs have helped close to [...]

New Summer Clinic!

2022-05-16T09:16:46-04:00April 3rd, 2018|Instruction, Lax Leagues Camps Clinics, News, Other Cool Camps & Events|

Austin Prep Youth Boys Lacrosse Clinic While HGR isn't running a Youth Camp this Summer, we are proud to recommend Austin Preparatory School's 4-day Summer Lacrosse Clinic, directed by HGR's own VP, Peter Smyth, Head Coach of Austin Prep Lacrosse. This clinic, for boys grades 3 - 8, covers lacrosse fundamentals through specific positional skills, and is [...]

Register Now for Player Development Clinics

2022-05-16T09:15:28-04:00September 20th, 2017|Instruction, Lax Leagues Camps Clinics, News|

Registration is open for Player Development Clinics, Session 3. Session 3 runs from October 30 to December 7, and is open to the public! The clinics will include lively positional workouts, reinforcing correct fundamentals for each position. With numerous reps, your game skills can progress at a rapid rate. Price: $115 (Includes an HGR pinnie) Location: HGR Indoor [...]

Mini-Camps Start Monday

2022-05-16T09:15:28-04:00September 14th, 2017|Instruction, Lax Leagues Camps Clinics, News, Other Cool Camps & Events|

Get in on HGR's latest entry into the Clinics category. Our Mini-Camps  are developed and staffed by lacrosse experts, including professional MLL players. We have 4 min-camps, each one hour long, each focusing on one specific skill. All ages and skill levels are invited. Camps are only $22 per session. Only a few days left to register!  [...]

New Instructional Video for Goalies

2022-05-16T09:15:28-04:00September 8th, 2017|Elite Teams, Instruction, News, Videos|

HGR Coach's Vault Returns After a very busy and extremely successful summer season, HGR / MBYLL's instructional video series, The Coach's Vault resumes with a new video for lacrosse coaches. The Fall/Winter season's first entry is in the defense category, Goalie Warm-Up. Proper warmup techniques for goalies are discussed and demonstrated, covering all aspects of thorough pre-game [...]

ANNOUNCING – Fall Mini-Camps

2022-05-16T09:15:28-04:00August 24th, 2017|Instruction, News, Other Cool Camps & Events|

HGR is happy to announce our 2017 Fall Mini-Camp program. We are holding 1-hour, one session only skill-specific clinics for boys of all skill levels, grades 3 - 12. Here is the schedule, updated 9/15: Pro-Lacrosse player and Mini-Camp Coach Greg Melaugh Shooting Mini Camp: Monday, September 18th, 2017 7-8 pm: Grades 3, 4, [...]

New Videos in The Coach’s Vault

2022-05-16T09:14:27-04:00April 18th, 2017|Instruction, News|

Have you checked out The Coach's Vault? If not, you're missing out on several of the most helpful videos of lacrosse training drills available. The videos are produced by HGR and Mass Bay Youth Lacrosse League and provided to assist youth and high school lacrosse coaches get the most out of their players. Best of all, they [...]

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