Lax Leagues Camps Clinics

HGR Lacrosse Summer Camps- Going, Going….

2022-06-21T15:18:16-04:00June 21st, 2022|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

HGR 2022 Summer Lacrosse Camp Just a few spots left. Starts:Jul 11 ’22 | Ends:Jul 14 ’22 | Location:Brooks School You don't want to miss out on the Camp pinnies hot off the press! Day Camp Boys/Girls Rising 2nd-8th Grade (YOG 2033-2027) Lacrosse · Co-Ed Any Season:Summer 2022 Starts:Jul 11 ’22 Ends:Jul 14 ’22 Overnight Camp Boys Rising 6th-8th Grade (YOG [...]

HGR Lacrosse Summer Camp and other Upcoming Sessions

2022-05-24T16:51:00-04:00May 24th, 2022|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

There are still a few spots in our Day Camp: Boys and Girls Grades 3 - 8 (Overnight sold out!)at Brooks School in North Andover for July 11 – 14, 2022 Boys Next Level Clinics Session 3,  July 19 – August 18, 2022, is open for registration. Girls Next Level Clinics Summer Session, July 20- August [...]

Summer Lacrosse Camps Open for Registration!

2022-05-16T09:23:21-04:00January 18th, 2022|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

HGR Summer Lacrosse Camps Day & Overnight Day Camp: Boys and Girls Grades 3 - 8 Overnight Camp: Boys Grades 6 - 8 July 11 - 14, 2022 (Overnight campers check-in July 10) Location: Brooks School   ♦   1160 Great Pond Rd   ♦   North Andover, MA 01845 These camps fill up quickly, so don't miss out. REGISTRATION [...]

Still a Few Spots Left in Girls Next Level Clinics

2022-05-16T09:23:21-04:00December 3rd, 2021|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

There's still time to get into the following Clinics: 2029-2031 Clinic Beginner Clinic Girls Goalie Clinic Don't miss out. Click the link below to go to the registration page. Girls Next Level Clinics: Session 1 Nov. 23 – Dec. 21, 2021

Boys and Girls Next Level Clinics Open for Registration

2022-05-16T09:23:21-04:00November 18th, 2021|Lax Leagues Camps Clinics|

At HGR, we specialize in the training of the lacrosse athlete, no matter what the age or current skill level. One of the ways we fulfill our commitment is through specialized training programs, including clinics and camps. These programs always have limited openings in order to give every player plenty of individual instruction time. They are [...]

Girls! Get In On Our Clinics

2022-05-16T09:22:42-04:00June 30th, 2021|Elite Teams, Instruction, Lax Leagues Camps Clinics, News|

Register now for our next level clinics Summer '21 not only brings the excitement of Elite Tournament Season, it also provides an amazing opportunity for lax players to bring their skills to a higher level. Beginning Thursday, July 8th, and running for 5 weeks, HGR Girls Next Level Clinics  promises you that opportunity. Both offense and [...]

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