Trash Can Ball
January 5 – February 23, 2019

2nd – 4th Grade League
Saturdays 5-6 pm


Register Now!

Location: Home Grown Indoor Sports,  400 Osgood St. North Andover, MA 01845

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Schedule and Pricing

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Players will register for 8 Weeks of Saturday games.

  • $120 per player for each 8 week session
  • 2nd – 4th graders:  5 – 6:00 p.m.
  • We will run 3 separate courts and split players up according to age and ability

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Rules / How to Play

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  • Each session will begin with 15 minutes of coaching
  • The coach will then ref the remaining 45 minutes of scrimmage.
  • Constant 3 on 3 game played.
  • Equipment: a stick 40” or under, a mouthpiece, gloves, a protective cup and a tennis ball.
  • One player on the defensive team has to play goalie every possession. This creates a 3 on 2 in favor of the offense which encourages ball movement and off moment.
  • Once a turnover or goal takes place the team on defense becomes the offensive team and pushes the ball upfield and through.
  • The team transitioning from defense to offense must first run or pass the ball behind their own net prior to pushing upfield.  This allows the new defense time to get in and protect their end.
  •  No stick checks, no body checks, only passing lane / positional defense allowed.
  •  HGR will provide pinnies
  • No score will be kept; this is all about having fun and getting better.


Trash Can Ball

Registration is opening soon!