Just move it!

Note: Check out Part 1 of current posts about getting in shape for the summer season HERE

Do you need some helpful advice on effective exercises for lacrosse players? Here is a short collection of articles and videos that show what a good lacrosse workout really is:

1.  https://www.livestrong.com/article/489811-workout-routines-for-lacrosse-players/

I love this one. It makes me sweat just watching it. Here is an 8:34 video of some of the best exercises I’ve seen, as well as advice on preparing for the workout, as well as a day-by-day summary of how to proceed.

2. https://www.cbphysicaltherapy.com/be-proactive-not-reactive-beneficial-lacrosse-exercises/

Physical therapists have created this page specifically focusing on lacrosse injury prevention. They have both instructional photos and videos.

3. http://www.laxweekly.com/10-lacrosse-exercises/

LAXWEEKLY has compiled their list of the “Top 10 Lacrosse Exercises to Elevate Your Game.” There are instructions plus photos, diagrams, and two ‘bonus’ routines.

4. https://www.stack.com/a/womens-lacrosse-exercises

These exercises are designed for women and include recovery, speed and agility, full body power and leg strength.

5. https://www.pinterest.com/search/boards/?q=lacrosse%20exercises&rs=filter

Finally, good old Pinterest has a whole slew of boards containing lacrosse workout plans, diagrams, videos, and drills. Also, search Pinterest for “lacrosse workouts” and you may come up with several more boards and pins.

…and don’t forget a google or bing search too.

Always remember: “It’s not how big you are, it’s how big you play.”