
HGR Fall Programs Coming Atcha

2022-05-16T09:22:05-04:00October 23rd, 2020|Elite Teams, Instruction, Lacrosse league, Leagues, News, Soccer|

Exciting time for HGR Sports! Fall Season is here, as demonstrated by last week's NH 64 lacrosse tournament. Our Blue 2022 AND 2023 boys finished in a noteworthy 2nd place overall in Epping, New Hampshire. But it's this weekend that HGR's Fall programs hit the ground at full speed. Beginning this weekend: Girls Indoor Lacrosse Session [...]

Soccer Foot Skills, Fall 2020

2022-05-16T09:22:05-04:00September 28th, 2020|Instruction, News, Soccer|

Soccer foot skills has returned! We are celebrating the kickoff of our 12th year of Roland Dudney's HGR Soccer Foot Skills program! Learn the footwork moves that make players progress into greatness. The sessions are fun, while also being highly instructive, with lots of practice and demonstrations from our expert coach. Dates: Oct. 27 – Dec. [...]

Home Grown Indoor Sports CLOSED until April 7, 2020

2022-05-16T09:20:06-04:00March 17th, 2020|Instruction, Lax Leagues Camps Clinics, News, Soccer|

HGR is Closed until April 7th. The following have been postponed: Our free Goalie Clinic Soccer Foot Skills Session 3 -- suspended until further notice. Yes, it's getting stranger and stranger, but some day we will be looking back on this time, wondering why it wasn't more fun to be home day after day after day... [...]

Soccer Foot Skills Session 3 – Register NOW

2022-05-16T09:20:07-04:00January 20th, 2020|News, Soccer|

Soccer Foot Skills Session 3 Registration is open for the third and final Soccer Foot Skills clinics of the season. Sign up now for your guarantee to work with Roland Dudney on all of the footwork that will make you an outstanding soccer player! Our 1-hour clinics run for 7 weeks: February 25 – April 9, [...]

Things Will Be Hopping in January

2022-05-16T09:19:44-04:00December 9th, 2019|Elite Teams, Instruction, Leagues, News, Soccer|

Take The my word for it. December is going to fly by. There will never seem enough time to do the necessities, such as: Finishing up Session 1 of Soccer Foot Skills Watching or competing in Indoor League Lacrosse, Session 1, final games and playoffs Sharpening your lacrosse skills at our Fall session of Player Development [...]

More HGR To Look Forward To

2022-05-16T09:19:44-04:00November 19th, 2019|Elite Teams, Instruction, Lacrosse league, News, Soccer|

Registration Reminders Congratulations again to our Fall Elite players. Thanks for another season of outstanding lacrosse. It was very rewarding to witness your growth and your talents, many times in front of coaches from excellent colleges. And it was fun! We have a bit of a wait before Elite action heats up again, but meanwhile, there [...]

This Month is Loaded!

2022-05-16T09:19:44-04:00November 2nd, 2019|Elite Teams, Leagues, News, Q & A’s with the Coach, Soccer, Videos|

November is here! That's not a bad thing. The next couple of weeks are jam-packed with HGR! November brings us: ·       soccer foot skills clinics ·       Men’s league ·       boys and girls indoor league ·       Boys Summer Elite tryout registration (open all month) ·        Lacrosse Player Development Clinics If you’re interested in becoming one [...]

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