HGR Lacrosse is more than just lacrosse!

We’re the number one source of sports camps and lacrosse camps in Massachusetts, plus we coordinate sports leagues, expert training, field rentals, birthday parties, and more. Our indoor facility is conveniently located in North Andover, and we offer group clinics, soccer instruction, and more.

Unique Sports Camps & Lacrosse Camps in Massachusetts

Interested in our league schedules, camps, or renting out HGR Lacrosse? Get in touch today to schedule an appointment. Please note that our schedules change based on the season and on league play, so feel free to call us to check our availability and hours.

Have a question or suggestion?


(O) 978-208-2300
(F) 978-208-2302



HGR Lacrosse
400 Osgood Street
North Andover, MA 01845


Or e-mail us directly



Home Grown Indoor Sports Facility
400 Osgood St
North Andover, MA 01845

(978) 208-2300